German Shepherd Memes - GSD Colony

50+ Hilarious German Shepherd Memes

German Shepherd memes can be one of the best ways to improve your mode immediately! If you're a German Shepherd owner or a huge fan, these memes will definitely be your favorite!

German Shepherd dogs are a never-ending source of fun and joy. It doesn't matter if you call them your best buddy, your fur baby, or your favorite kid (we get it). And when our dogs get up to mischief, we feel obligated to tell everyone who will listen about it.

Thankfully, the internet is a great place to share funny photographs and quips to tell the story. Yes, we're talking about everyone's favorite - hilarious German Shepherd dog memes that will make you laugh so hard you'll puke!

Enjoy our collection of the best German Shepherd memes!

  1. "I don't always eat human food, but when I do... I poop mud for 3 days straight"

    German Shepherd eating human food meme

  2. German Shepherds don't believe in personal space... the closer, the better!

    German Shepherd personal space meme

  3. "What do you mean? I'm adopted?!"

    German Shepherd adopted meme

  4. Learn from German Shepherd how to properly wear face mask! 

    German Shepherd face mask meme

  5. Undercover K-9 Unit

    German Shepherd undercover k-9 unit meme

  6. "My dog will eat literally everything, until you put a pill in it. Then he's Gordon Ramsey!"

    German Shepherd Gordon Ramsey meme

  7. "Are you just going to let those people come into your house without sniffing their but?!"

    German Shepherd human butt meme

  8. "The hidden costs of Brexit - #4. Persuading a German Shepherd not to keep shouting 'achtung'!"

    German Shepherd brexit meme

  9. "If you see this, you're in the wrong yard!"

    German Shepherd wrong house meme

  10. "True friends are the ones you can sit on"

    German Shepherd true friends meme

  11. "Tonight, we ride!"

    German Shepherd funny meme

  12. "If Friday had a face!"

    German Shepherd Friday memes

  13. "I hear you... half of the time"

    German Shepherd ears meme

  14. "I just wanted to eat, but you lit my food on fire"

    German Shepherd birthday meme

  15. "Fire alarm, door bell, serial killer vs human eats a chip..."

    German Shepherd fire alarm, door bell, serial killer human east a food meme

  16. "Have you ever wondered if your dogs follow you to the bathroom, because you go outside with them, and they think that's just the way it goes?"

    Two German Shepherd no privacy memes

  17. "Knows you have pot in the car - doesn't alert the officer"

    German Shepherd police dog meme

  18. "License and registration, please."

    German Shepherd police dog meme

  19. "The face she makes whenever I stop giving head scratches"

    German Shepherd sad face meme

  20. "The cat made me do it!"

    German Shepherd chewing slippers

  21. "In life, it's not where you go. It's who you travel with."

    German Shepherd travel meme

  22. "God knew my heart needed you"

    German Shepherd care meme

  23. "He kept getting in the way while we were building a desk, so we gave him something to hold"

    German Shepherd meme

  24. "The art and the artist!"

    German Shepherd bite meme

  25. "Are you sleeping?

    German Shepherd sleeping meme

  26. "German Shredder"

    German Shepherd shredder meme

  27. "I really wanna play ball with you... but I don't want to give you the ball."

    German Shepherd playing with the ball meme

  28. "Can someone get me an iced tea?"

    German Shepherd pool summer meme

  29. "My dog escaped the yard today and my neighbor sent me this picture"

    German Shepherd pool meme

  30. "Undercover K-9 Unit"

    German Shepherd undercover k-9 unit meme

  31. "Human, are you awake? Ok then, I will just lay here and look at you"

    German Shepherd waking human meme

  32. "When giving your dog a bath turns into a Sarah McLachlan commercial"

    German Shepherd bathing meme

  33. "Vet appointment... cancelled!"

    German Shepherd vet appointment meme

  34. "Bed and breakfast"

    German Shepherd napping meme

  35. "How much longer till we get to the treats aisle?"

    German Shepherd shopping meme

  36. "Ma! Can you make me a sammich? With bacon?"

    German Shepherd bacon meme

  37. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the sexiest sheppy of them all?"

    German Shepherd mirror on the wall meme

  38. That was so close!

    German Shepherd eating poop meme

  39. "If your dog poops, pick it up please!"

    German Shepherd poop meme

  40. I will be a good dog! I promise!

    German Shepherd unleash dog meme

  41. It's time to wake them up!

    German Shepherd barking meme

  42. Talking with your German Shepherd in the public be like...

    German Shepherd talking with dog

  43. Does he bite?

    German Shepherd bite meme with Hasbula

  44. Someone doesn't know how to use a leash

    German Shepherd off leash dog meme

  45. Doggy park and dog socialization

    German Shepherd dog park memes

  46. Why should you leash your dog, when you can chase him?

    German Shepherd off leash dog meme

  47. Agility training isn't easy at all...

    German Shepherd agility training meme

  48. Having a German Shepherd dog be like...

    German Shepherd hair on clothes meme

  49. Robot floor vacuum? For what?!

    German Shepherd floor vacuum memes

  50. He just wants to say Hello!

    German Shepherd off leash dog meme

Quick tip: to download any of these images with German Shepherd memes, just press right click and save image. If you're reading this blog on the phone, hold on the image, and then choose save image option.

Final words.

They are smart, brave, fast loyal, but also, funny! German Shepherds are truly a one-of-a-kind dog breed and anyone who owns a German Shepherd will have a lifetime friend!

We hope that you enjoyed our collection of German Shepherd memes.